“Zoom into MUNs” – Workshop by KIIT International MUN Secretariat


The KIIT International E-MUN Secretariat hosted a workshop titled “Zoom into MUNs” virtually on 20th December 2020. The workshop discussed KIIT International Model United Nations, one of the largest simulations of the United Nations across the globe, organized by KSAC, KIIT Deemed to be University. Notably, KIIT International E-MUN is going to be held virtually from 29th to 31st January 2021. Registrations for the D-Day are at full swing with early bird registrations already ensuring a huge number of participants. 

The workshop was inaugurated by the Director-General of KIIT International E-MUN, 2020. A video showcasing the grandeur and essence of all the past successful MUNs was exhibited. Further, the participants were familiarized with the quintessence of Model United Nations in general, with specific focus on the upcoming KIIT International E-MUN. The participants were reassured that even though KIIT International E-MUN is going to be held virtually, the vigour and warmth will be better than before.

An overwhelming response of more than 300 students was seen, and the event was covered live on Facebook simultaneously to respond to all the queries.

As this was a purely academic workshop, the Rules of Procedure (ROP) of MUN were discussed in detail and the students were apprised on the various committees and their agendas. Participants actively took part in a few games that were designed to make the workshop more interactive. A quiz on The United Nations and a Twitter game was played. The workshop concluded with a live debate where the students debated amongst each other upon a given stance and the best debaters were announced.

Dr. Shyam Sundar Behura, Dy. Director, Student Services, KIIT appreciated the efforts of the Secretariat to sensitize freshers as well as other MUNers regarding the concept of MUN and wished them success in the forthcoming KIIT International e-MUN.

For more information on KIIT International E-MUN, please visit: www.kiitmun.org

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