Workshop on “Lifetime Interview Training Skill Set” By Mr. Ron Rai


An Internationally acclaimed Expert Interview Trainer, Coach and Recruitment Consultant, Mr. Ron Rai from Ontario, Canada delivered a talk  on “Lifetime Interview Skill Set” in a workshop held at KIIT Seminar Hall-1,Campus-6  on 12thAugust, 2019.

In a session attended by Bachelors and Masters students of Engineering, he imparted lessons from 22 years of his corporate experience. As the last leg of a workshop tour across IITs and IIMs, the KIIT session saw the best of Interviews and Resume tips being shared by him.

The 3-hour long session witnessed active participation by the attendees who picked up corporate culture points, international education guidelines and a confidence to crack the toughest interviews.

Dr. Priyadarshi Biswal, Associate Dean, CAAS coordinated the workshop. Dr. Kaish Q Khan, Senior Faculty, CAAS introduced the Speaker where as the valediction as well as the felicitation of the Guest with mementos from KISS was conducted by Dr. Saranjit Singh , Director, IEC. 

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