Workshop on “How to Win That Job or Launch Your Start Up”


KIIT Student Counseling Cell organized  a virtual session on “How to Win that Job or Launch Your Start up” on 28th June 2021. Students and faculty representing all the schools of KIIT participated in good measure in the workshop.

The workshop was conducted by Prof. Stephen Manallack, Australia. Prof. Manallack, is the Chairman, Genesis  India Horticultural Collaboration Project and former President, Australia India Business Council. He is a distinguished author, award-winning public relations consultant and experienced communication and cross-cultural trainer.

Prof. Manallck was overwhelmed to see participation by such a large number of students and expressed happiness for being a part of  KIIT forum. He made a special mention of Dr Achutya Samanta, Founder KIIT & KISS, praising his humanitarian and philanthropic works, particularly the “Art of Giving” campaign. Drawing inspiration from his work, he said kindness, empathy, resilience, volunteering, happiness, etc are the key milestones to a successful initiative. He  further advised the students to emulate the unique volunteering work of Dr. Samanta and show uniqueness in their respective fields of work as this would help them in winning the coveted job.

Prof. Manallck’s address provided clarity and drew insight into the ingredients required for a fulfilling career. He highlighted on how to promote startups and provided tips to excel in communication. He  informed the students how to sharpen their knowledge and how to succeed in job interviews. He emphasized the importance of problem-solving, teamwork and communication. Further, he underscored the essentials of CV, importance of kindness, communication, successes, happiness and also speechmaking advice.

Earlier, Dr. Sucheta Priyabadini, Director Student Counseling, KIIT introduced the speaker and the topic. She mentioned that organizing such workshops was in line with the practice followed by the Counseling Cell of KIIT in providing exposure to the students in domain areas that are relevant to them, by inviting international experts. Prof. Samaresh Mishra, Director, Students Affairs, welcomed the speaker and expressed his gratitude to Prof. Manallck for accepting the request for the session on counseling the students.

The students put a number of questions which were addressed patiently. Faculty members and students requested Prof Stephen to revisit KIIT for another session.

Prof. Saroj Mahapatra, Director, School of Management; Prof Srinivas Pattnaik, Dean KSBT and Prof Ashok Sar, spoke about the useful presentation made by Prof. Manallack. Prof Samaresh Mishra thanked the Counseling Cell for arranging the session.

Proposing the vote of thanks, Dr Sucheta Priyabadini  requested Prof. Stephen Manallack to spare time out of his busy schedule and treat the students of KIIT to another such wonderful feast of knowhow, especially  for the students who could not join this time.

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