US Consul General Visits KISS


Joel Reifman, US Consul General, Hyderabad visited KIIT and KISS on 28th October, 2019. Mr. Reifman visited various campuses of KIIT and different units of KISS. On this occasion, he addressed 27,000 tribal students of KISS. In his address he said, America is proud to be part of your journey. We are proud to be associated with KISS. I heard many good things from my higher authorities. It is my first visit to Odisha and KISS. I am impressed by KISS after visiting KISS. The students reading in KISS should feel very proud, because they are reading in one of the best schools of the world. I see the future of India in KISS. From 20 students with two teachers KISS is now the world’s largest tribal residential institute. It has been possible due to the hard work and dedication of its Founder Dr. Achyuta Samanta. I congratulate him for his endeavor. Dr. Achyuta Samanta placed the welcome address while Shri R. N. Dash, Secretary, KIIT & KISS proposed vote of thanks.

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