Tribal TB Project successfully targets active cases in Koraput


The “Comprehensive Tribal TB Management Programme for Decentralised TB care services project” has successfully targeted active cases among tribal blocks of Koraput, Odisha. Borigumma is the first action block under the project, which kick-started in February this year.

The project team is headed by an experienced team comprising of senior faculty from Department of Community Medicine, Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS) Prof. Dr. Sonali Kar. Other members include: Prof. Dr .S .Panda from VSS Medical College, Burla and Dr. Suchitra Haldar of SLN Medical College and Hospital, Koraput and the State NTEP head Dr. P. K .Hota and district ADPHO Dr. PK Samal.

Under the active intervention plan, an intensified case search is being conducted by the camp approach. The camps offer an opportunity to screen symptomatic with persistent respiratory problems or even generalized presentations, to be evaluated by a doctor, mainly from hard-to-reach villages.

On-the-spot sputum collection is to be done as per prescribed standards and then on the same day or days the samples are tested for microbiological evidence of TB disease using TRUNAT machine. For paediatric subjects in whose case sputum collection is difficult and for sputum negatives, who, have suggestive clinical evidence of disease, chest X-ray is to be arranged in the nearest public facility.

 So far two camps have been held at the GP-level, after meticulous planning by the team heads in Bhubaneswar. A pilot camp was organised in Tanker School on April 22 covering three villages i.e. Tenkar, Kanhuguda and Dabuguda with an estimated population of 1,589, of which 40 cases presented in camp for screening. Out of the 21 cough samples were collected, 13 clinically suggestive cases were sent for chest X-ray to Jeypore DHH.

Camp was supported by district officials, Dr. Hara Prasad Panigrahy, (Medical officer-in-charge, Borigumma ), Dr.Dilip Kumar Nath (Medical Officer Maternity Health Unit and Dr. Nirmalya Mohapatra, 1st year PG student, Dept of Community Medicine, KIMS. All sputum samples tested negative, though suggestive lesions were found in some X-Rays, which await final test results.

The second camp, organised in Benagaon High School of Sontashpur sub-center on  April 29 covered four villages namely Benagaon, Kadamguda, Kasamguda,Jhariguda with a population 2,500; out of which 55 cases turned up for screening.  While 19 sputum samples were collected on the spot; amongst them three were found positive in TRUNAT and Sputum Microscopy. Other suspected TB cases were sent for chest X-ray.

Camp was deftly managed by Prof. Dr. S Panda from VSS Medical College, Dr. Suchitra Haldar Assoc Professor SLN medical collage Koraput ,Dr.Aiswarya Panda PG 2nd year Burla, , Dr Hara Prasad Panigrahy, (Medical officer in-charge),Dr.Dilip Kumar Nath (Medical Officer MHU), CHC Borigumma,

The team expresses its obligations towards Odisha State TB Officer Dr P K Hota (Co-PI), District TB Officer Dr. P.K. Samal (Co-PI), Koraput, Banita Samal, District Project Coordinator, Koraput, and the National TB Elimination Program (NTEP) staff for logistics, administrative as well as moral support even at the shortest notice.

Borigumma, which is the largest block in the country, has to be covered, especially the unreached Tribal Population under the project by a similar multitude camp approach. An extraordinary case of integrated handling of the camp was presented, wherein contributions of CDMO Koraput Dr. Arun Padhi, DPM Koraput, Borigumma district level officials, Jeypore DHH MS as well as their Radiology Department and even the District Collector A. Akhtar, School and Mass Education Department officials and the front line workers are acknowledged by the ground ICMR team.

A dedicated team at KIMS comprising of PGs Dr. Liwa Pattnaik, Data managers Padmini, Pooja, Prava and consultant  Lopamudra are brainstorming on appropriate field strategies.  The team also expressed its thanks to KIMS IT Department, Group Director Dilip Panda, Development Officer Dilip Jena, HoD Community Medicine Prof B Behera and Principal Prof. A. P. Mohanty. The team is driven and encouraged by the vision of Founder KIIT -KISS, Dr. A. Samanta.   

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