Training Programme on Advanced Computer Skills


A  Training Programme on Advanced  Computer  Skills for  forty-seven non teaching staff  of various Schools and Departments  started on 23rd January,2020.  This -3- day  programme is designed by the  HRD Committee of the  University  as per the directives  of the Hon’ble  Founder  and approved  by the  Pro-VC. The programme  was facilitated  as well as ably supported  by  the  Director (HR),Sri Sibananda  Mishra  and  other  Officials  from HR Cell.

The  programme  was inaugurated  by  the Director General, Administration, Dr. Narayan Tripathy, who  encouraged the  participants to involve themselves fully in the programme to increase their  IT skills  required in their day to day functioning .

The programme  was conducted in the  Computer Lab of Campus-6 in a practical manner with hands on  inputs & practice facilitated  by  Prof.  Utpal  Chandra Dey, Faculty, School of  Computer  Application.  Prof.  Dey  started  from the Fundamentals  like File, folder, directory, formats, MS-Word, latest Windows  Version, mail merge etc. This will be followed up with higher skills  training in the next   two days.  Study materials were also distributed to the participants by the   HR  Department. 

The  Programme was coordinated  by  Dr. C.K. Das, from   Founder’s  Office.

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