Three Days Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp (EAC- 2019)


Sponsored by National Science & Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board (NSTEDB), Govt. of India, New Delhi; Department of Science and Technology National Implementing and Monitoring Agency for Training (DST-NIMAT), KIIT School of Computer Engineering organizes three days Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp(EAC),   during 15-17th March, 2019. This programme is monitored by Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII), Ahmadabad, Gujarat, India.

At the outset, Dr. S. Mishra, Dean, School of Computer Engineering, welcomed the resource persons and also spoke on the significance of entrepreneurship.

Dr. Asit Das, Sr. Consultant (Management), Sr. Journalist & EDP Motivator, spoke about the history, definition and introduction about the entrepreneurship during this programme.

Dr. Ashok Rath, Professor, TCE, Bhubaneswar, spoke about the marketing, finance and customer related matter to start an organization.

Er. Prasenjit Pati, CEO, Afixi Technology, Bhubaneswar, placed about the journey of an engineering student to be an entrepreneur overcoming the challenges.

Programme Convener, Dr. Akshaya Kumar Rout, Associate Professor, SME and Programme Coordinator; Dr Niranjan Kumar Ray, Asso. Professor, SCE and Prof. Anil Kumar Swain, SCE, also spoke on this occasion. 

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