Three Day Workshop to Impart Training on Basics of Computer Application


A three Day Workshop to impart training on Basics of Computer Application has been commenced at KISS Deemed to be University premises today. In all, 40 teaching and non-teaching staff members participated in the Inaugural Session of the workshop.

At the outset, the Coordinator & Director of this workshop, Dr. Chinmaya Kumar Das, Director(Admin.), Founder’s Office,  gave the welcome address  and  message of  the  Hon’ble  Founder that all the non-teaching staff  should be computer savvy . He said that all staff should take advantage of this Hands on Training with full involvement to make themselves more efficient in the service of  the Institution.

Inaugurating the workshop, Prof. Harekrishna  Satapathy, VC, KISS DU said, “this is an opportunity for all of us to learn something which eventually will help us to augment our capacity.” He urged the staff members to jump into action and learn something as learning is a lifelong process.

“It is the technology driven era. Through such a workshop, the working efficiency of teaching and non teaching staff will be enhanced. There are certain areas which are expected to be explored by us. Such type of knowledge is indispensable in  our life”, added the VC.

Prof. Utpal Chandra De, Assistant Professor, School of Computer Application is acting as the Resource Person for the programme. He is  conducting the  Hands on Training  and sharing the  inputs much to the enlightenment of the participants.

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