Symposium on Physics in KiiT International School “Acquiring skills is more important than securing good marks”


Acquiring skills is more important than securing good marks and certificates in education, said Dr. Harish Chandra Verma, Renowned Physics Professor of IIT Kanpur. Delivering lecture on concept of Physics through live practical to school children in KiiT International School on February 18, 2017, Dr. Verma said, today science is an integral part of life and it cannot be seen in isolation.

Prof. (Dr) Harish Chandra Verma, IIT Kanpur
Prof. (Dr) Harish Chandra Verma, IIT Kanpur speaking at the State level programme on concepts of Physics & Physics stage show organised by KiiT International School.

He advised the students not to run after good marks and certificates by giving examples from his life. “Poor grade card or good grade card does not matter. Both are irrelevant. But the skill I had developed during my students’ career helped me. Getting good grade card and securing position in school, board and university examinations are temporary recognitions. But your worth depends on what kind of skills you develop. You have to develop confidence and competence to take challenges which can be very big or small”, he stated. “You can achieve your goal by accepting challenges. Our examination system is not evaluating our inner capacity, giving too much importance on marks and grades”, Dr. Harish Chandra Verma stated. He advised students not to depend on solution books and tutor; rather they should try to solve the problem by themselves.

Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Achyuta Samanta, Founder, KIIT & KISS said, “Today’s society is knowledge society and amount of knowledge you acquire is now more important than ever”. The knowledge you acquire will help you all your life, he added. Dr. Mona Lisa Bal, Chairperson of KiiT International school delivered the welcome address, while Dr. Sanjay Suar, Principal proposed vote of thanks.

Students of many schools attended the lecture. As many as 1200 students from more than 50 institutions of Odisha participated in the three-hour Physics stage show organised by KiiT International School in association with KiiT-IAPT Anweshika Centre. About 100 Physics teachers had a separate interaction programme with Prof. H. C. Verma for ensuring joyful Physics teaching-learning process in schools and colleges. Rajashree Mohapatra, Coordinator of KiiT-IAPT Anweshika Centre demonstrated various experiments.

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