Refresher Course for Laboratory Assistants of All Schools


A Training Programme titled as ‘Refresher Course for Laboratory Assistants of All Schools Module-1’, a novel initiative as per the instructions of the Registrar, KIIT-DU and the Vice Chancellor-KIIT DU   is being held from 2nd to 4th January, 2019 under the supervision and overall facilitation of Director, HR, KIIT DU and the HR Cell.

The 3 day programme encompasses various sessions like Social Media interaction, Behavioral skills and deliberations on Laboratory related issues in order to facilitate the working of around 120 Laboratory Assistants of various Schools of Technology and Bio- technology Department.

The programme was inaugurated by Prof. Sasmita Samanta , Registrar of   KIIT DU in the presence of Prof. Hrushikesha Mohanty VC, KIIT DU; Prof. Tanmay Mohanty, Dean, Quality Assurance Cell and Dr. Chinmay Kumar Das, Director of Administration, Founder’s Office.

At the outset, the Welcome Address was given by Dr. Chinmay Kumar Das, Director of Administration, Founder’s Office who happens to be the coordinator of this Programme.

Prof. Tanmay Mohanty, Dean, Quality Assurance Cell said that this programme concentrates in learning the skills in managing, supervising, developing and establishing linkages with students in the domain of academics, research, skill development, student and faculty development.  “Behavioral issues in connection with the students is one of the most significant aspects of this ongoing programme,” The Dean added.

The Dean emphasized on skill development in higher education. There is a great scope of improvement in curriculums. Hailing the Lab Assistants as the custodians of an important wing of this University, Prof. Tanmay Mohanty congratulated them and sought their total participation in the improvement in the curriculums.

Gracing the occasion, Prof. Sasmita Samanta, Registrar of   KIIT DU said that  the aim of the programme is to enhance the motivation and attitude of our staff. In true sense, for doing any job, neither formal education nor interpersonal skills are required. Rather positive attitude and motivation are badly required.

In this context, she said that Laboratories have become integral parts of Technical Education.  In course of time, classrooms have been converted to laboratories in most of the Technical Institutions. She advised the participants to do value addition in Lab Management. Moreover, the students should be involved  in activity based learning. The Lab assistants should equip themselves with the subject, the application, and understand the psyche of the students and faculties. Besides they have to be futuristic in the  application of knowledge. 

“Apart from understanding the subject, Lab Assistants should have broad spectrum of knowledge about how this subject can be applied in different ways for the development of different technologies,” The Registrar added. 

Placing his address, Prof. Hrushikesha Mohanty, Vice Chancellor, KIIT DU  said that Laboratory brings preferential approach and has equal academic role to play. Advising the lab technicians, he said, that  they have a  vital role to play. In fact, they should  have professional approach which should be followed in the laboratory. They should accept the changes and make themselves tuned to the scope of changes. This kind of training programme  should help and it should be held periodically.

The inauguration ended with  Dr. Chinmay Kumar Das, Director, Administration  Founder’s Office proposing a Vote of Thanks.

The opening day sessions on (Vision and Mission of the Hon’ble Founder, Value Addition, Social Media interaction), practicals in Engineering Curriculum and roles and responsibilities of Lab Staff  including ethical issues were taken by Mr. Rajsekhar Laha of Founder’s Office, Dr. P.C. Mishra, School of Mechanical Engineering and Shri P.K. Chamupati, Joint Registrar respectively.

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