Prof. Lalatendu Acharya delivers Monday Morning Talk at KIIT School of Mass Communication


Keeping with its tradition of Monday Morning Talk by eminent personalities, Prof. Lalatendu Acharya from Indiana University, USA delivered talk on Communication for Health and Development Issues at KIIT School of Mass Communication on 11th March, 2019.

Prof. Acharya discussed the meaning of communication and its goals, how communication could be applied in context of health and development. He enlightened students with the concepts of epistemology, ontology and axiology.  He encouraged the students to ask themselves the most crucial question, “What difference can you make?” He also encouraged students to inquire, think and put critical questions on “Can communication make a difference”?

Prof. Acharya is an Assistant Professor, Allied Health Sciences division of Indiana University, Kokomo, USA. He has a PhD in Health Communication and a MBA (Marketing) and more than 20 years of work experience in both industry and academia in organizations like Purdue University, UNICEF, Price Waterhouse Coopers etc.

Later, the award for the Highest Attendance of the Month was given to Ms. Soumi  Banerjee (100 % attendance), IMCJ second semester student and Ms. Nitali Johori (98 % attendance), IMCJ fourth semester student for the month of January and February respectively, by the esteemed guest.

At the beginning, Ms. Tanushree Mishra, IMCJ second semester student  introduced the guest and Ms. Nitali Johori, IMCJ fourth semester student proposed the Vote of Thanks and presented flower bouquet to Dr. Acharya. Later Mr. Sudarsan Sahoo, Faculty Associate, KIIT School of Mass Communication presented a patachitra painting as a token of appreciation to the guest.

Dr. B. B. Dash, Assistant Professor and Course Coordinator and Ms. Ruby Nanda Faculty Associate, KIIT School of Mass Communication  were also present during the talk.

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