Nobel Peace Prize-2018 : Why and How it matters


The Nobel Peace Prize for the year 2018 was awarded jointly to Dr. Denis Mukwege, a world-renowned Congolese Gynecologist specializing in treatment of women victimized by wartime sexual violence in Democratic Republic of Congo and Ms. Nadia Murad, a Yazidi Human Rights activist from Iraq, who had been a victim of in-human atrocities and survived sexual slavery in the hands of Islamic state of Iraq, “for their efforts  to end the use of gender violence as a weapon of war and armed conflict.”

In this connection, a Noble Series Lecture was organized at KIIT Seminar Hall-1 Campus-6 on 18th March, 2019. The talk was delivered by Prof. Sudeshna Datta Chaudhuri, Asst. Prof., School of Humanities;  Prof. Pallavi Kiran, Asst. Professor, School of Humanities and Dr. Chinmay Kumar Das, Director,  Admn., Founder’s Office.

The dignitaries discussed on the indescribable plight, unwavering crusade and  peerless contribution for the mankind of the two Nobel Laureates. They remarked that the two laureates have created milestones in the annals of world history by recounting the horrors from their own lives, spreading awareness about wartime sexual violence and raising their voices across the world, as societies across nation face myriad gender-based problems, especially rising rates of crimes against women.

While Prof. Chaudhuri narrated the crucial contribution of extraordinary Samaritan and Divine Healer Dr. Denis Mukwege, Prof. Kiran delved deep into the gruesome tale of Ms. Nadia Murad in detail before the audience. Their talk was enlightening, thought provoking and awe-inspiring.

In summing up and  analyzing  the two lectures, Dr. Chinmay Kumar Das said that the crime against women has not been a new happening in world history and  wherever socio- economic and political upheavals have taken place, it is always the women who face the brunt. If we go through the annals of history starting from ancient to medieval era and further till date, we can learn that, it is the fair sex who get subjugated to trauma both physically and psychologically. Every now and then, the hapless women get subjugated to heinous atrocities from men.

The perpetrators always get away and continue to commit the same crime deifying the law, without any fear. Several parts of Congo experiences the same thing time and again due to absence of Rule of Law. The collapse of traditional values and reign of terror raise torture, insecurity and lack of education etc. The people don’t have the courage to face the perpetrators. It was Dr. Mukwege, the first person, who came forward to tell the story before the world community, remarked Dr. Das.

He further said that Dr. Mukwege was the beacon of life and ray of hope for the war-ridden victims. He has done yeomen service to stop violence against women and promote gender equality in times of war and peace. Time and again, he has emphasized that,  political will has been created to impose political and economic sanctions against the perpetrators to take them to court. Actually, he fervently wanted justice to prevail.

On the other hand, though Ms. Nadia Murad being a victim of war, crimes and inhuman atrocities, she refused to remain silent and that was the hall mark of her character. She assailed the abuses to which she has been subjugated frequently. She has exemplified uncommon courage in recounting her own sufferings and speaking on behalf of other victims. Though she repeatedly was facing life threatening experiences, however she courageously fought-back in seeking justice for the victims, Dr. Das added.

The Million Dollar Question that has raised before us, i.e. “Are we heading for the final phase of our civilization ? We have to change our mindset and must respect our women, so that, civilization will groom. Women should be provided with special protection. Being the backbone of society, they are deserved to be revered.

Prof. Hrushikesha Mohanty, VC,  KIIT DU; Maj. Gen.(Dr.) P.K. Patnaik, Principal, KIMS and Prof. Puspalata Pattojoshi, Dean, School of Applied Sciences, KIIT DU were present on the occasion among others.

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