PG Students from KIMS achieve awards for paper and poster presentation


The 26th DERMAZONE EAST and 38th CUTICON ODISHA Conference was held from 8th to 10th November, 2019.

The Post Graduate students from the Department of DVL, KIMS, who achieved awards under the guidance of Dr. Basanti Devi(Professor & HOD); Dr. Kedarnath Dash, Professor; Dr. C.R. Srinivas, Professor; Dr. T.Sundar Sahoo;  Dr. P.C. Mahapatra; Dr. J.R. Dash; Dr. Laxman Besra and  Dr. Mitanjali Sethy are:

1)Dr. Satyajit Sahu(3 rd year P.G) was awarded 3rd prize in Poster presentation.

2)Dr. Suvigya Sachan(2nd year P.G) was awarded 1st prize in Award Paper presentation.

3)Dr. Venkatesh Mandava(3rd year P.G) was awarded 2nd prize in Free Paper presentation.

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