One Day Hands-on training on “Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning”


One Day Hands-on training on “Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning” was organized by KIIT School of Electrical Engineering on 10th August, 2019. Around 120 students along with Faculty members from different Schools of Engineering  attended the workshop. 

Mr. Sukesh Adhikary, Corporate Trainer,  IBM/TCS/CTS/CSC/Capgemini/Mphasis  AI-Machine learning & Main-frame technology Bangalore, was invited as resource person for this workshop. During the  Inaugural Session, Dr. Banishree Mishra placed the welcome address. Dr. C. K. Panigrahi, Dean of School of Electrical Engineering, highlighted the importance of this workshop in terms of emerging areas of engineering and multi-disciplinary research.

During workshop, Machine Learning introduction, Python basics and libraries, Data Manipulation & Exploratory Analysis, Supervised Machine Learning, Regression & Cluster Learning was covered and the participants appreciated this workshop.

Dr. Subhra Debdas, Faculty Coordinator proposed Vote of Thanks.

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