NUCAR 2017 inaugurated in KIIT


The 13th DAE-BRNS biennial Symposium on Nuclear and Radiochemistry (NUCAR) organized by Bhabha Atomic Research Center (BARC) in association with KIIT University and Indian Association of Nuclear Chemists and Allied Scientists (IANCAS), Mumbai inaugurated in KIIT University premises on 6th February. This is the oldest and prestigioussymposium of Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) that has been held throughout the length and breadth of the country to popularize the subject of Nuclear and Radiochemistry. Eminent scientists including Prof. P.R. Vasudeva Rao, Former Director, Indira Gandhi Center for Atomic Research; Prof. B.S. Tomar, Director Radiochemistry & Isotope Group, BARC and Chairman NUCAR 2017 graced the occasion.

Prof Rao in his key note address said, this symposium will be fruitful for young students and researchers. They will get chance to interact with senior scientists of the country. It will be helpful for their research and study in Nuclear and Radiochemistry. Prof. Tomar in his presidential address said, the aim of NUCAR is to highlight the peaceful use of Nuclear Energy. The objective of this symposium is also to provide a platform for exchange of ideas among DAE and non-DAE researchers working in the field of Nuclear Science and Radiochemistry. Welcoming all the delegates, Dr. Samanta said, KIIT is proud to host this oldest and largest congregation of Nuclear Scientists and Radio chemists. For the first time this kind of symposium has organized in Odisha, he added. The event is poised to be the largest gathering of researchers working in the field of nuclear chemistry, chemistry of actinides, fission and fusion reactor materials, radioisotope application in medicine, industries, nuclear forensics and safeguards etc. said, Prof. Smruti Dash, Convener, NUCAR 2017.

The five-day Symposium from 6 to 10th February will feature more than 15 Keynote Addresses and Invited Talks by eminent scientists and academicians in the field of Nuclear Science and Radiochemistry. Around 300 Delegates have participated in the Symposium, while more than 300 research papers, 50 oral and poster presentations and 15 technical sessions will be take place during the symposium.

Pragyan Patnaik, Convener, Local Organizing Committee Welcome the delegates while Dr. Manoj Mohapatra, Secretary, NUCAR 2017 proposed vote of thanks.

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