National Workshop on “Intellectual Property Rights in Electronics and IT Sector” held at KIIT


KIIT School of Applied Sciences in association with Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Govt. of India organized a National Workshop on “Intellectual Property Rights in Electronics and IT Sector” on 17th of August, 2019 at Seminar Hall-1, Campus-6.

In the Inaugural Session, the Welcome Address was given by Prof. B.C. Guru, Registrar-in-charge, KIIT Deemed to be University. He termed the workshop as a very timely one. “While the importance of patent and patenting is prevalent, we will create more and more patents in days to come,” he added.   

Dr. Sharmishtha Ghosh, Deputy Controller of Patents, Trademark and Designs, Govt. of India said that Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) is a very past subject.  She urged  the students to be connected with Industry and adopt Techno-Legal knowledge by simply going through the web pages.

Dr. Rohit Kumar, Asst. Controller of Patent, Trademark and Designs, Govt. of India discussed on co-relation between patents and how to communicate it. He said we need to transfer the technology and explore the market. Beside we should know how to exploit those commercially.

Dr. P. Kartigeyan, IPR and Incubation Manager, CTTC-MSME IPFC and TBI, Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India said that small innovation has big impact. The students  should set out their goal for more innovation without waiting for the grant.

Dr. Rajbeer Singh, Centre for Studies in Science & Technology Policy, JNU, New Delhi said that we should focus for long-term instead of getting lost in short sighted vision. Missing of the Innovation, i.e. commercialization of the technology and bringing that into the market has to be the prime motive for the drivers ofIntellectual Property.

Advising the students he said, “if you really want to create your own technology and develop your nation, you have to change your vision and foresight for the coming 20 to 30 years”. You can be the driver of Global Innovation by realizing your patent and commercialization. You have  to meet the ground realities so that you can focus on commercialization and development of the final solution. Be creator other than Job seekers, he added.

Dr. B.K. Sahu, Head, NRDC IPFC & TISC, Govt. of India, Vishakhapatnam said that IP never discriminates anybody. It is vital that, how can we make a difference in a small way. We find the patent which is very relevant from the socio-economic perspective. It must percolates into our industry so that we get it through affordable, adaptable and available innovation and that is the need of the hour. Knowledge must be acknowledged as information diminishes with time.

The Presidential Address was placed by Prof. S. Nanda, Head CIR, KIIT DU, BBSR. The Inaugural Session concluded with submission of Vote of Thanks by Dr. Rojalin Sahu, Associate Professor in Chemistry, KIIT Deemed to be University.

Post Inaugural Session, a lecture on the theme “IP Commercialization and Technology Transfer” was delivered by Dr. B.K. Sahu. A talk on ‘R& D, Innovation, Technology Transfer’ was given by Dr. Rajbeer Singh. A talk on IPR and Entrepreneurship was placed by Dr. Ajai Kumar Garg, Deity, Govt. of India. While a talk on Trademark, design, Copy right etc. was delivered by Dr P. Kartigeyan, a talk on Intellectual Property issues and IOT was extended by Ashutosh Behera, CEO, Metrological Innovative Solution Pvt. Ltd.

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