National Conference on Dental Implantology “IMPLACON”-2018


Kalinga Institute of Dental Sciences, KIIT Deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar, successfully organized “IMPLACON”-2018, National Conference exclusively on Dental Implantology under the able leadership of Dr. Jugojyoti Pathi, Assistant Director (ADMIN), KIDS.

The scientific programme comprised of Keynote Lectures by Eminent Speakers like Dr. A. Kumaraswamy, Senior Periodontist from Mumbai, Dr. M. Reddy from Hyderabad, Dr. Nitin Vaidya from Raipur, Dr. J. Teja from Chandigarh, Dr. Dhruv Arora from New Delhi, Dr. Akshay Daga from Nagpur, Dr. Veerendra Kumar S.C. from Bengaluru and Mr. Mohit Suryavanshi from Kolhapur.

Keynote lectures were followed by scientific paper and poster presentations by the Faculty members and Post Graduate students of various Institutes, which were well appreciated. The event was attended by more than 350 delegates from across the Country.

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