Monday Morning Talk on “Learning Media and Journalism in the Digital Age”


In the series of Monday Morning Talk today, Professor Vasuki Belavadi delivered a  talk on “Learning Media and Journalism in the Digital Age” at School of Mass Communication, KIIT Deemed University on November 11, 2019. In his talk, he discussed on the basic guidelines of journalism as a profession in the digital age. 

Prof. Belavadi is currently working as a senior Professor at Sarojini Naidu School of Communication, University of Hyderabad. He is well known media educator with more than two decades experience in the field as well as academic experience in print as well as television journalism. He is the author of “Video Production” book, which has been extensively recommended handbook for all the students of production across the globe.

Prof. Belavadi explained the skills to cope up with the changing set of technologies. He emphasized on the fundamental aspects of technology. Once we learn the basics of technology, then only we can update ourselves with it changing trend. However, communication has been considered as a vital aspect in the journalism, he told.

Further he added understanding the medium is another important aspect of today’s Digital Communication and it is a difficult task in the age of convergence media world. Adaptability with medium is the key to drag attention of your target audience. Crafting a good story out of your content is what the demands of today’s Digital Communication World, he added.

He also encouraged the students to practice more on content and their communication skill and be empathetic to your immediate environment.

At the beginning, Ms. Ananya Sarkar, introduced the guest and Ms. Simran Chanda, proposed the vote of thanks, both are IMCJ fifth semester students. Dr. B. B. Dash, Assistant Professor and Course Coordinator; Ms. Ruby Nanda, Assistant Professor; Dr. Anurag Sahu, Assistant Professor and Souptik Garai, Faculty Associate of KIIT School of Mass Communication  were also present during the talk.

Notably, Monday Morning Talk is the flagship programme of School of Mass Communication, where an eminent personalities from various walks of life connects with the budding journalists.

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