Molecular Biology Team of Central Laboratory, KIMS


We enjoy challenges as celebrations…

By Dr. Surya Narayan Mishra, KIMS

Around ten years back, when I started the concept of an accredited laboratory in KIMS, it was just like a story and some even simply ignored it as usual. I still remember, our Central Laboratory became a Centre of attraction for any guest who visited Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS). I would be showing him/her each good new instrument and would never forget to declare that our Central Laboratory is the first NABL Accredited Laboratory in the State which is attached to a Medical college. The passion to keep quality at top most view and ensure that the patient gets the correct report which is globally acceptable became a regular practice. To add to our assets, we started the molecular laboratory which again got the NABL accreditation for COVID-19 RTPCR testing. The laboratory got a fresh challenge to do the testing of around 400 sports persons along with the normal sample load of around 200 per day. This was a tough yet achievable task and we planned nicely to ensure that the athletes who are our guests will definitely receive the report the same day. Maj. Gen Prof. (Dr.) P. K. Patnaik, Director General, School of Medicine, KIMS approved extra manpower as well as computer systems to upload their results simultaneously in the national database. The staff were asked to come as early as possible and start the task. There was a little surprise for them waiting in the staff room. The morning breakfast and sweets were kept and they all enjoyed it nicely. Everyone wished one of the staff Mr. Dipti Ranjan Bhuyan for his third marriage anniversary. During all this, they were briefed about the importance of the timely dispatch of the test report and simultaneous uploading the data in the web portal. The task was divided between all staff and they all started their own work immediately. This was nice and smooth team work. Even if we could not receive the actual number of samples as told to us, we did dispatch all the reports in the same day.

If we enjoy our work, then nothing is impossible. Our workplace is the best place to enjoy.

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