L & T Finance Zonal Training held at KSOM


The first zonal training of Territory Managers of East Zone of L& T Finance was held at KIIT School of Management on 13th & 14th August, 2019.This was jointly conducted by trainers from KIIT School of Management and L & T Finance. 

Speaking on this occasion, Mr. Prashant from the L & D team of L & T Finance expressed his gratitude to KIIT Deemed to be University for being an academic partner.

Prof.(Dr.) Kumar Mohanty, Director, Corporate Relation, KIIT DU said that Industry Academia collaboration has been the focus area of the entire Corporate Relation Team both for Schools of Technology and School of Management in addition to various training programs being conducted for big corporate houses, banks to name a few.

Prof. Anil Bajpai, Director, School of Management, KIIT DU thanked the entire L&T Team for their patronage & support.

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