Kritarth – 2017 concluded with motivational talk by Gaur Gopal Das


The three day long festival “Kritarth-2017” witnessed a glorious end at KSAC stage on 17thOctober, 2017 when scores of Students became enlightened with the motivational speech of life coach & senior monk Gaur Gopal Das, who addressed around 2500 students of KIIT Group of Institutions on the themes  ‘Art of Giving’ and ‘India Against Negativity’.

“It was an honour to be part of an event hosted by KIIT & KISS, two incredible Universities founded by Prof. Achyuta Samanta. The KISS University is serving a wider community by imparting free education to 27,000 tribal children. Very inspired to witness a monumental campus built on a life’s noble values of love and compassion with a heart of giving back to the society, exemplified by its Founder Dr. Achyuta  Samanta.” remarked the monk Gaur Gopal Das.

On this occasion, Dr. Achyuta Samanta awarded  Gaur Gopal  Das with KIIT’s first ‘Danveer Karna Award’ for which the monk felt very humbled and honored to be the first recipient of such an award. This award has been bestowed upon to recognize his selfless contributions to promote the ideologies of ‘Art of Giving’ and compassion throughout the world.

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