KISS Foundation Extends Helping Hand to Six Hapless Sisters


The KISS  Foundation has lent a helping  hand to six hapless sisters of Saragidihi village under Sarasarabalang GP of Bonai Block in Sundargarh District. Getting informed about their ordeal, noted Educationist, Philanthropist and Founder of KIIT & KISS, Dr. Achyuta Samanta met the siblings and had a thorough discussion with them at KISS on 1st December, 2019.

Dr. Samanta has assured to provide education to 4 sisters in KISS. Though, the eldest sister has completed matriculation, but she is still a minor, so it is not feasible to employ her in KISS. In lieu of this, financial  assistance amounting five thousand rupees per month will be provided to her family on behalf of KISS Foundation, Dr. Samanta assured.

In fact, after these siblings lost their father Manabodha Kishan 5 years ago, their widowed mother had been looking after them amid extreme difficulties. However, following  affected by Paralysis, she has been unable to feed their children for the last three years. Desperately, in order to sustain her 5 younger siblings along with her paralyzed mother, the eldest one Sukamani  had no option, but to work as a daily wage labourer.

“Their future would be secured, if they get an education at KISS. Besides, KISS Foundation will stand by them in time of need particularly to ensure preventing Sukamani from working as  daily wage labourer”, Dr. Samanta clarified. Moreover,  he would approach the local Sub Collector regarding provision of a house to the deprived family.

For such a noble and compassionate help, the family members of late Manabodha Kishan have conveyed their solemn gratitude to Dr. Achyuta Samanta.

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