KINS Observes In-Service Education Program


The Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Nursing (MSC Nursing 2nd year), Kalinga Institute of Nursing Sciences KINS), observed an In-service Education at Demo Classroom O&G Building, Block- E, KIMS, PBMH with the theme of “Safe Delivery App” on 13th December, 2024. The focus of this program was to know the importance and orientation regarding safe delivery apps.

The programme was started by Soumi Samanta, MSc. Nursing 2nd year, with an introductory speech. Unfolding of the theme was delivered by Ms.Udita Ghosh, MSc. Nursing 2nd year, who created an enthusiasm among the audience. The session started with highlighting usage of the app followed by the first 5 modules, then the session was continued by Ms Shruti Ghosh, she discussed about module-6 to module-10 and Ms. Soumi Samanta, discussed about module-11 to module-15 and they all spoke on the topic “Orientation and importance of safe delivery app”. In all, 20 Nursing Officers and teachers of OBG, Nursing Department, KINS attended the in-service education & made it fruitful.

Prof. Kalyani Rath, Vice Principal, HOD, Obstetrics and Gynaecological Nursing, KINS  imparted and highlighted the knowledge & importance regarding safe delivery apps. The program was successfully ended with a vote of thanks by Ms Shruti Ghosh, MSc. Nursing 2nd year.

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