KIMS Pediatrics Faculties Imparted Training to Post Graduates at Sishu Bhawan, Cuttack


The goal of IAP Advanced  Life Support (ALS) is to achieve the best possible outcome for individuals who are experiencing a life-threatening event.

The ALS course teaches the knowledge and skills required to: recognize and treat the deteriorating patient using a structured ABCDE approach; deliver standardized CPR in adults; manage a cardiac arrest by working with a multidisciplinary team in an emergency situation; utilize non-technical skills to facilitate strong team leadership and effective team membership.

Prof. Manas Behera and Associate Professor Nirmal Kumar Mohakudfrom KIMS were invited to provide the IAP ALS course at Sishu Bhawan, Cuttack. In all, as many as 30 participants from all over Odisha, were provided the training. It is a very recognized course accepted all over the world.

It was organized by IAP ALS/BLS Odisha by Course Coordinator  Associate Professor Pradeep Jena of SCB Medical College and Course Director Dr. Shrabanee Chakroborty of Kolkata. Other faculties present were Prof M. Das from IMS and Prof. Arakhita Swain from Koraput Medical College.

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