KIIT School of Civil Engineering Organizes Two Days Workshop on Finite Element Analysis Technology


KIIT School of Civil Engineering in association with  VSSC / ISRO & SVR InfoTech is organizing a Two Days Workshop for Faculty Members from KIIT-DU as well as from outside of the University both from Industry & Academic Institutes on VSSC/ISRO’s FEASTSMT Finite Element Analysis Technology on 18th & 19th August, 2018.

This workshop was inaugurated today by the Vice Chancellor of KIIT-DU, Prof. Hrushikesha Mohanty in presence of Prof. Dr. Benu Gopal Mohapatra, Dean, School of Civil Engineering;Prof. A.K, Rath;  Mr. Mahesh Kumar Behera, GM, RITES; Mr. Raj Tilak (ISRO) and Dr. B.Das, SCE, KIIT-DU at the Conference Hall, School of Civil Engineering, Campus-3. KIIT DU.

Gracing the occasion as the Chief Guest, Prof. Hrushikesha Mohanty, VC, KIIT-DU said that the software is used just  to get rid of something repetitive. The students always search jobs those are market worthy. Starting its journey from agrarian to industrial revolution, the society has now become service oriented. What matters most is that the service orieneted society is on the brink and it will be changing furthermore in the days to come.

While the machine will take the judgment,  the person may not have any role to play for existence at least for livelihood which will be very difficult to get in future. Particularly for the students, “I would like to say that you have to posses required skill to beat the machine in order to make your livelihood. As the market is going to shrink day by day, you should undertake the challenge”, the VC advised.

In his address, Mr. Raj Tilak, said that the FEAST development traces back to 1980’s, while the actual development started around 2008. From there onwards, we have been developing software for general purpose package. Actually the software is meant for Static Analysis as well as Dynamic Analysis in both linear and non linear forms and we should give some value addition.

Dr. Benu Gopal Mohapatra, Dean, SCE, KIIT-DU said that  the use of software is very much increasing only because of the repetitive works. There are very good software available in the school laboratories. Please innovate yourself to learn something based on the knowledge of the resource persons. We conduct workshop to enhance the skill of all Faculty Members and enrich the knowledge of outsiders. Garnering knowledge is the true outcome of the workshop. The main strength our Faculty Members are that they have both industrial and research exposure. KIIT School of Civil Engineering has achieved greater heights outside of  Odisha as well over the years. .

Placing the welcome address, Prof A.K, Rath said that ISRO Chairman mandates not to use outside software. Heatshield and Motor Casing are being analyzed using FEAST as it is simple and user friendly. Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam started this development in VSSC/ISRO around 25 years ago.

Eventually, Dr. Dillip Kumar Bera, Associate Dean(T&P) proposed Vote of Thanks.

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