KIIT Quality Assurance Cell Organizes Webinar on ‘Values of NAAC Annual Quality Assurance Report-21’


KIIT Quality Assurance Cell organized a webinar on ‘Values of NAAC Annual Quality Assurance Report-21’ on 1st November 2020. Speaking at the webinar, Prof. Amiya Kumar Rath, Adviser, National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), Bangalore depicted the broad viewpoints of the accreditation process carried out by NAAC for Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). He emphasized the seven numbers of criteria – curricular aspects, teaching, learning and evaluation, research, innovations and extension, infrastructure and learning resources, student support and progression, governance, leadership and management, Institutional values and best practices – for NAAC accreditation.

He broadly demonstrated the role and responsibility of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of HEIs towards ensuring the quality for academics and preparation of documentation for different criteria. Further, he pointed out the fulfillment of graduate attributes by HEIs defined by the NAAC for enhancement of quality. He also discussed the different aspects and steps of preparation for the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) by HEIs for each academic year.

Prof. Rath elucidated the online submission process of AQAR, AQAR clarification, AQAR review process, the timeline for AQAR, and the different general questions associated with AQAR. Highlighting the difference between AQAR and Self-Study Report (SSR), he pointed out the modification that has been made in AQAR format for next year, the submission timeline for Institutional Information for Quality Assessment (IIQA), and SSR reports.  

Earlier, Prof. Chinmoy Kumar Panigrahi, Director, Quality Assurance Cell, KIIT extended a warm welcome to the resource person and all members present in the webinar. Prof. Rath clarified the different queries and doubts related to AQAR and the accreditation process raised by faculty coordinators. Prof Siddharth Swarup Rautaray, Faculty Coordinator, QA Cell, School of Computer Engineering proposed the vote of thanks.

Among others, Prof Biswajit Mishra, (Dean, QA Cell), Dr Arindam Deb (Dy. Director, Accreditation), Prof Tapas Roy (Asst, Director, Rankings) and all faculty Coordinators of QA Cell (School level) were present during the webinar.

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