KIIT launched ‘PARAMARSH’ scheme of UGC


The much awaited ‘PARAMARSH’ scheme of the University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi has been launched by KIIT Deemed to be University on 21st October, 2019. The ‘Paramarsh’ scheme of UGC is meant for mentoring NAAC accreditation aspirant institutions to promote quality assurance in higher education. 

KIIT has been nominated as a mentor institute to extend all sorts of support to those institutions  awaiting for accreditation in different stages starting from preparation of Self Study report to visit of Peer Team Members by NAAC. Eleven colleges and one University have signed their MoU with KIIT to be the mentee institutions.

The launching ceremony of ‘Paramarsh’ scheme was inaugurated by Prof. Achyuta Samanta, Founder, KIIT and KISS. Prof. Srikanta Swamy, Academic Consultant to NAAC was the Guest of Honour on this occasion. Prof. J.K. Parida, Director, QA Cell welcomed all the members and presented the objectives of this workshop which was attended by 48 Principals and faculties of 12 mentee institutions and  Directors, Principals, Senior Functionaries and Faculty Members of KIIT and KISS.

Prof. Achyuta Samanta, Founder KIIT & KISS expressed his satisfaction as UGC has nominated KIIT as a mentor institute for state of Odisha. He promised to extend all sorts of support by KIIT in handholding the mentee institutions.

Prof. Hrushikesha Mohanty, Vice Chancellor, KIIT DU threw light on the various constraints faced by the educational institutions at the state for accreditation of their institutions. He also came out with various strategies to be followed for qualitative improvement of the institutions.

Prof. Sasmita Samanta, Pro-Vice Chancellor, KIIT DU in her speech pointed out the relevance of NAAC accreditation for inclusive growth in this country. The meeting was ended with the felicitation of the participants by the Founder, KIIT and KISS.

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