KIIT & KISS Fraternity Observes 88th Birth Anniversary of Pradyumna Bal


The 88th Birth Anniversary of Pradyumna Bal, distinguished Journalist, ace Statesman and Founder of Odia Daily Newspaper ‘Pragativadi’ was observed in the premises of KIIT, KIMS and KISS on 8th November 2020.

On this occasion, a commemorative meeting was organized at KISS. Gracing the occasion and evoking the highness of the departed stalwart, Dr. Achyuta Samanta, Founder KIIT & KISS said “Pradyumna Bal was championing the causes of the deprived and downtrodden people in the society and always used to think and act toward their comprehensive development. Besides he was penning their problems and plights in ‘Pragativadi’.

Prof. Hrushikesha Mohanty, Vice Chancellor, KIIT DU; Prof. Jnyana Ranjan Mohanty, Registrar, KIIT DU; and Dr. P.K. Routray CEO, KISS garlanded the statue of Pradyumna Bal and paid rich tributes. “An audacious, candid and virtuous person like him was rarest of the rare and it is difficult to find his substitute in today’s society”, remarked the dignitaries. They advised the KISS students to abide by his ideologies.

Earlier in the morning, Dr. Samanta, garlanded the statue of Pradyumna Bal and offered floral tribute in KIMS premises along with Maj. Gen. Prof.(Dr.) P. K. Patnaik, Principal and Director General, KIMS; Prof. Ramachandra Das, Vice Principal; Dr Ambika Prasad Mohanty, Medical Superintendent; Mr. Panchanan Parida, Management Representative, KIMS; Prof. Amarita Lenka, Principal, KINS; Mr. Dillip Panda, Director Administration; and Mr. K.P. Dwivedi, Sr. Administrative Officer, KIMS.

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