KIIT Doctoral Fellow receives DST-SERB grant for Paper Presentation & Discussion at Royal Society of Chemistry, London
Mr. Bhavesh Kumar Dadhich, a doctoral fellow, under the supervision of Dr. Bhavya Bhushan, Department of Physics, School of Applied Sciences, KIIT DU has presented research work entitled “Size-Dependent Solar Catalysis by Hollow Plasmonic Silver Nanocubes” in an International Conference “Hot-electron science and microscopic processes in plasmonics and catalysis Faraday Discussion” at London, United Kingdom, during 18 – 20 February 2019.
The International Scientific Event was organized by the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), Cambridge, UK. Mr. Dadhich had been awarded International Travel Support (ITS) by Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), DST, Govt. of India that includes to and fro economic class air-fare by the shortest route, airport tax, visa fees, and registration fees.
This Faraday Discussion was the 300th ever Faraday Discussion since the meetings began in 1907, and many Discussions have become landmark meetings in their field. In this meeting, the most recent breakthroughs, in this multidisciplinary and emerging field from the different perspectives of physicists, chemists, and ab-initio theoreticians were discussed. The future development of plasmonics, catalysis and more generally hot-electron science were emphasized.
He also visited King’s College London on 20th February, 2019 and attended a Wheatstone Lecture “From Faraday to tomorrow: Nanoscale Optics for Sustainability and Societal Impact”by Prof. Naomi J. Halas, Rice University, USA.