IRSC in association with ROBERT BOSCH ENGINEERING INDIA signed an MOU with KIIT


IRSC in association with ROBERT BOSCH ENGINEERING INDIA signed an MOU with  KIIT Deemed to be University to indulge in road safety campaigns for the year 2019-2020 on 26th April, 2019 at Seminar Hall-1, Campus – 6. Prior to the formal ceremony, the Dignitaries were shown the Working labs and projects undertaken by the students of the University.

At the outset, Dr. Kumar Mohanty, Director, Corporate Relations, KIIT Deemed to be Universitydelivered Welcome Address and expressed his gratitude to dignitaries from BOSCH and IRSC. He mentioned the long corporate relation that KIIT has with ROBERT BOSCH ENGINEERING INDIA, and added that it was a great opportunity for the institution to have another field of work with the organization. The holistic approach of KIIT administration was stressed upon and it was mentioned that such collaboration is nothing but a boon and blessing for the students. He concluded by thanking all the committee members who made this collaboration possible.

Mr. Purnajeet Boumick, Coordinator and one of the Core Team members shared his training experience that began on 30th January, 2019, in Bangalore. According to him, this training session was more of a wisdom and information sharing task that took place simultaneously from the students as well as the administration side. They were given real-life problems and asked to ponder over it to give solutions. The most important part of the training experience for him was the fact that he was able to learn how to carry his moral values on the road while driving and become a responsible Road Driver.

He was followed by Mr. Bellar Mohan, Head of the University Relation, Training and Development Team, RBEI stressed on the need of IRSC Chapter in today’s society. He started by showing some basic traffic signals to see how aware the audience was. This was followed by a personal experience of his where he mentioned how he met with an accident and although they were following the proper course of action they met with an accident. He stated the 4 important aspects of Road Safety – 1. Always wear Seat Belt 2.Importance of Golden Hour 3. Expect the Unexpected 4. Have Emergency Contact in New Cities.

Mr. R.K. Shenoy- Senior VP, Embedded Solutions, RBEI talked about the Megatrends of today’s society namely:1. Demography 2. Urbanization 3. Energy and Climate  3. Connectivity. He laid down BOSCH’s vision to attain 1. Connected Mobility 2. Automated Mobility  3. Clean and Electrified Mobility. He went forward to stating the reasons and trends of casualty in India. He ended by stating the keys to success for bringing down the fatality rate like a post-crash response, safe roads, safe vehicles, government regulations, etc.

This was followed by Dr. Sushant Tripathy, Faculty Head, BOSCH IRSC KIIT Chapter stating his views on the collaboration. He mentioned how interested students were for the event. He presented the course of action namely to be in the form of Awareness, Campus Interactions, Competitions, and Workshops. He mentioned the list of institutes that would be a member of the campaign like NIFT, All schools of KIIT, Sai International School, Xavier’s International, etc. The target for the campaign would have been a multi-stakeholder approach. He showed the statistics of the E- Survey conducted in KIIT Campus, thus pointing out the areas of concern.

Following which Mr. Dipanshu Gupta, Core-Team Member, IRSCgave a brief history of IRSC and what is the approach of the same. He mentioned that the basic task of IRSC is to spread awareness and make sure that people are being given the required information.

The ceremony ended with Vote of Thanks by Dr. Isham Panigrahi, Head Automobile Engineering, KIIT DU. He expressed his heartfelt gratitude to each and every member behind the event and showed his everlasting gratitude to the esteemed Dignitaries who were kind enough to be present for the ceremony.

Following the Ceremony, the MoU Signing took place in presence of the Registrar, KIIT DU. Two MoUs were signed, One between BOSCH IRSC and  KIIT DU and Second between BOSCH and KIIT DU. The MoU was signed by Mr. R. K. Shenoy, Senior VP, Embedded Solutions, RBEI exchanged with The Registrar, KIIT DU and Mr. Deepanshu Gupta as Core Team Member from IRSC signed the MoU and Exchanged with The Registrar, KIIT DU.

After the MoU signing ceremony, The Registrar felicitated the distinguished dignitaries. Later all the dignitaries were taken on a visit to KISS Campus wherein they were shown across the Campus and its mega kitchen, the lifestyle of the students. This ensued a visit through all the Departments of the KIIT Deemed to be University.

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