International Workshop on Smart Grid


The term “Smart Grid” defines a self – healing network equipped with dynamic optimization techniques that use real-time measurements to minimize network losses, maintain voltage levels, increase reliability, and improve asset management. The operational data collected by the Smart Grid and its sub – systems will allow system operators to rapidly identify the best strategy to secure against attacks, vulnerability, and so on, caused by various contingencies.

KIIT School of Electrical Engineering organizes a two days International Workshop on Smart Grid in collaboration of IEEE PES Chapter, Bhubaneswar on 26th and 27th December, 2018.

During the Inaugural Session, Welcome Address was given by Dr. S. C. Swain, Associate Dean, SoEE. The aim and objectives of workshop was sensitized by Dr. Kundan Kumar, Faculty Coordinator, IWSG 2018.

Prof. (Dr.) Anurag K. Srivastava from the Schoolof Electrical & Computer Science, Washington State University, USAgave the expert talk on topic titled “Real Time Cyber-power system modeling and simulation of Smart and Micro Grid.”

Prof. (Dr.) Bijaya Ketan Panigrahi from the Electrical Engineering Department, IIT Delhi,discussed about the  Issues and Challenges in Smart and Micro Grid.

Prof. (Dr.) S.R. Samantaray from Electrical Engineering Department, IITBhubaneswar highlighted on role of IEEE PES Chapter in this activity.

Prof. (Dr.) C.K. Panigrahi, Dean, SoEE discussed about the scope of this workshop. He also extended a warm welcome to all dignitaries and participants during the workshop. Besides, he highlighted about the research activities and Smart Grid Lab which is NI Centre of Innovation.

Prof. S. Nanda, Research Chair, also welcomed all the participants and briefed about the importance of this workshop. He argued about the strength of research in the university.

The speakers were felicitated during the Inaugural Session.

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