International Workshop on Clinical Research Ethics Conducted at KIIT


An agenda setting International workshop on Clinical Research Ethics was held on 15th and 16th November 2019, at KIIT Deemed to be University, in collaboration with the National Institutes of Health [NIH], USA.

The workshop commenced with lamp lighting by Prof. Hrushikesha Mohanty, Vice-Chancellor, KIIT Deemed to be University; Dr. Christine Grady, Head of Dept. of Bioethics, NIH, USA; Dr. Nandini Kumar, Deputy Director (Retd.) at ICMR and Vice President of FERCI and Maj. Gen. Prof. (Dr.) P. K. Patnaik, VSM (Principal & Director School of Medicine).

The Guest Speakers  from NIH, ICMR, NITI Aayog and other stakeholders of Bioethics and research discussed the importance of training and capacity building in bioethics. The various ethical issues involved in research activities involving human participants with special emphasis on vulnerable groups, procedure for obtaining informed consent, protocols for dealing with mishaps happening during clinical drug trials were also discussed.

Awareness was generated about ICMR guidelines 2017, Guidelines for Clinical Drug Trial 2019 and various training courses available for people who are desirous of getting trained in Bioethics. Brainstorming panel discussion was held in which the guest faculties clarified various doubts of the participants. It was decided unanimously that a Center of Excellence in Bioethics Training in eastern India is the need of the hour.

The workshop concluded with assurance from NIH team for providing support in establishing a Bioethics training in KIMS. Maj. Gen. Prof. (Dr.) P. K. Patnaik, VSM  felicitated the faculty and eventually  Prof. Santosh Rath, Organizing Chairman extended vote of thanks.

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