International Online Conference on Recent Developments in Organic and Applied Chemistry-2020


Department of Chemistry, School of Applied Sciences, KIIT Deemed to be University conducted an International Conference on the topic “Recent Developments in Organic and Applied Chemistry (RDOAC-2020)” during 6-7th of July, 2020 via online mode. The aim of the conference was to enhance and exchange the knowledge of frontier level Organic and Applied Chemistry. This conference focused mostly on some basic and interdisciplinary research topics such as New Synthetic methods, Natural Product, Medicinal Chemistry, Chemistry of Hetero-cyclic Compounds, Chemical Biology, Biochemistry and Material Chemistry.

The Inaugural session commenced with the welcome address by Prof. Pushpalata Pattojoshi, Dean, School of Applied Sciences, KIIT Deemed to be University. Then the participants were enlightened by the motivating words of Prof. Hrushikesha Mohanty, Vice Chancellor, KIIT DU and Prof. Jnyana Ranjan Mohanty, Registrar, KIIT DU. The Inaugural Session concluded with the vote of thanks by Dr. Samaresh Jana, Associate Professor, School of Applied Sciences, KIIT DU.

The Conference comprised four technical sessions. Technical session-1was chaired by Prof. Prasant Rath, School of Applied Sciences, KIIT DU. The session commenced with the inspiring presentation by Prof. Nan Zheng, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, USA on the topic “Harnessing Synthetic Potential of Photo generated Distonic Radical Cations: From Annulation to Difunctionalization Reactions”. It was followed by the invited talk by the resource person Prof. Uday Maitra, IISc-Bangalore, India. In his deliberation he focused on the topic “Bio-analytical Applications of Soft Photo-luminescent Materials”Dr. Bhanu Manjunath, Syngenta Bio-sciences Pvt Ltd., Goa, India in his talk spoke about the importance of “Crop Protection R & D-Accelerating Innovation in a Changing World”. Technical session-1 was closed with the invited talk by Prof. Dilip K. Maiti, University of Calcutta. His deliberation on the topic “Diverse Organic Synthesis, Functional Materials for Nano-electronics, Sensors and Smart Devices” accelerated the enthusiasm of the participants. Before the lunch break a virtual tour of the KIIT and KISS campus was conducted for the participants.

There were seven presentations in the Technical session-2 by the young and dynamic researchers across the world. It was hosted with the chairperson Prof. K. G. Mishra, School of Applied Sciences, KIIT DU. For this session Dr. Somnath Mandal, INSERM, France; Dr. Hemant Kumar Kishan, Hebrew University, Israel; Ms. Sruti Mandal, NISER, India; Ms. Anjali Dahiya, IIT Guwahati; Dr. Sagarika Bhattacharya, Ben Gurion University, Israel; Ms. Barnali Roy, NIT Rourkela; and Dr. Soumabrata Goswami, Amity University, Kolkata  joined in with their exciting research topics and inspired the participants.

On 7th July, the Technical session-3 was presided over by Prof. T. K. Bastia, School of Applied Sciences, KIIT DU. The session started with the most exciting talk by Prof. Debabrata Maiti, IIT Bombay on “Designing of Templates to Reach the Distal C-H bond”. This session was the most interactive session among all. Prof. Maiti’s talk was followed by the invited oral presentations by two young researchers, Dr. Jiang Wang, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA, Dr. Avik Pati, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, USA. They discussed the frontier area of research of Organic and Applied Chemistry. Technical session-3 witnessed the motivating presentation by Prof. Jayonta Chaudhury, IISER Bhopal, India on “Revisiting “Hydrogen Economy” : A “witchable Catalysis” Approach on Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers (LOHCs)” and Prof. Debayan Sarkar, NIT Rourkela, India on “Visible Light Oxidative Dearomatisation of Phenols”. The last presentation of the technical session-3 was delivered by Prof. Tapas Kumar Mandal, IIT Roorkee, India. He enlightened the participants with his discussion on “Perspectives on Layered Perovskites in Solar Photo-catalysis”.

Technical session-4 was chaired by Prof. Kajal Parashar, School of Applied Sciences, KIIT DU. The session started with the most enthusiastic presentation of Prof. Daniele Leonori, University of Manchester, UK on his research topic “Photo-induced Assembly of C–N and C–C bonds”. In spite of his busy schedule, he joined in and motivated the young minds. The scientific session of the conference ended with the invited lecture by Prof. C. Gunanathan, NISER, Bhubaneswar.He delivered his presentation on “Green Catalysis Facilitated by Amine-Amide Metal-Ligand Cooperation”. After the scientific session, the participants and young researchers were motivated by the address of Prof. Sudarshan Nanda, Professor of Eminence & Research Chair, KIIT DU. Prof. Nanda shared his journey of research with the struggle and achievements.

After two days of scientific session this was the most required presentation to keep the persistence of the research motivation within the participants during this pandemic situation. Finally the conference was concluded with the vote of thanks by Dr. Sohini Sarkar, Assistant Professor, School of Applied Sciences, KIIT DU. All the sessions were coordinated by Dr. Anita Pati, Associate Professor, School of Applied Sciences, KIIT DU.

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