Inclusive Education Program at KiiT-IS


KiiT International School hosted an inclusive learning training program for the teachers from 7th August, 2019 to 9thAugust, 2019 to enhance the inclusive teaching pedagogical program of the School.

The three day training sessions involved meeting teachers from the SEN department and also the leaders from the mainstreams of the school to create awareness and understanding of inclusive practices in the class room teaching experience. Intensive training was done with the SEN teachers on providing early  intervention to children with special needs.

The SEN teachers also  were given training on remedial teaching in academics for those who have communication and learning difficulties. There was class room observation of the SEN teachers providing support within the class. Discussions with the SEN teachers on enhancing  the support systems and move towards independence was a step in the right direction. Training was also conducted with level-4 students (high support needs) on group work. SEN teachers were given training on functional assessment for early learners.

Ms. Elizabeth Betsy Neuville also conducted orientation on the path towards inclusion with the management and coordinators of KiiT International School. The program was supported by the senior leadership team of the School, with the Chairperson, Dr. Mona Lisa Bal actively engaging with team, and Principal, Dr. Sanjay Suar encouraged the team to provide the best learning experience to the students. 

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