Fresher’s Welcome Ceremony for 2018 Batch Law Students


The Fresher’s Welcome of 2018 admitted batch law students was held on 08th October,  2018 at Campus-11 Auditorium. All the students of 1st and 2nd year participated in various cultural events and other competitions.

Addressing the students, Prof. Sasmita Samanta, Registrar, KIIT Deemed to be University, mentioned about the achievements of both KIIT & KISS and emphasized on improving concentration in the learning process and continuity in work for the development of both School of Law as well as KIIT Deemed University.

In his inaugural address, Prof.(Dr.) N.K. Chakraborty, Director, KIIT School of Law, reminded the students about the achievements of their senior students and advised them to work hard to bring more laurel to the law school. He also mentioned the changing pattern of teaching and learning processes in the law school, which is being recognized across the nation. Besides, he urged the students to get themselves involved in the process to make it a success and a model for the whole country.

Prof. P.C. Mishra, Dean, School of Law, in his speech, reminded the students about how to learn law and contribute in the best possible manner in the legal profession. The meeting  came to an end with vote of thanks given by the Student Convener.

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