Covid-Positive Child with GBS Treated Successfully at KIMS


A 7-year old boy was presented to the Paediatrics Emergency Department of KIMS with sudden onset of weakness of lower limbs and difficulty in walking and later on with respiratory difficulty. The patient was tested for a rapid antigen test and came positive. The patient was transferred to KIMS Covid Hospital and put on mechanical ventilation and supportive care. The child had a cardiac arrest, but due to concentric efforts of the team, Dr. Palash (Asst. Prof), Dr. Aranya and Dr. Sushrit (PG residents), the child survived by CPR. Later on the child shifted back to PICU and rest of critical care was provided by the team (Dr S. Pattnaik and others). In the final phase general management and physiotherapy was done at the pediatric ward (Dr. N. Swain and others).

Guillain-Barré Syndrome is characterized by a monophasic, ascending, and symmetrical paralysis with areflexia that progresses over days to weeks. It is typically a post-infectious autoimmune process that leads to destruction of myelin. The majority of pediatric Covid-19 cases are asymptomatic, but may present with fever, malaise, and respiratory symptoms, which can range from mild cough to severe pneumonia, and occasional gastrointestinal symptoms. But, Covid-19 can present with a wide variety of other symptoms, including neurological symptoms in up to a third of adult patients. Ageusia and anosmia are some of the most common neurological presentations of those with Covid-19, however, others include encephalopathy, encephalitis, stroke, acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, as well as neuro-inflammatory auto-immune diseases.

KIMS Pediatrics Dept is immensely grateful to the sisters of Covid care unit for taking care of the kid in absence of his parents due to Covid restrictions. When the child was crying due to leg cramping, sisters used to massage the legs with their humanly touch and affection. As the child had pediculosis, one of the attendants made all the efforts to clean the child including saving of the head and application of lotion all over the body.

His successful treatment is an outcome of the holistic approach involving attendants, sisters, doctors and physiotherapists of KIMS.

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