CME and Workshop on Foeta Imaging and its challenges


The Department of Radiodiagnosis organised a Workshop  & CME on “Foetal Imaging and its’ challenges” on 20th October, 2019.

The invited faculty was Dr. Vikram Patil, from JSS University, Mysuru. He shared his skills acquired during his training from the King’s College, London, where he was trained. The event was focussed on the practical approach, technicalities involved, with hands on training including streaming of audio-visuals for the large gathering. The CME added to the awareness on the importance of Foetal imaging for specialised patient care and highlighted the potential of advanced diagnostic bonanza which KIMS can now offer to the Society.

Maj. Gen. (Dr.) P.K. Pattanaik, The Principal & Director School of Medicine,  KIMS  congratulated Dr. (Col.) Kamal K Sen and the Faculty  for organising an academic event of such high standard.

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