CAAS, KIIT-DU Organizes Webinar Series on GATE Preparation


A Branch Specific GATE Preparation Webinar Series was conducted by the Career Advisory & Augmentation School (CAAS), KIIT Deemed to be University across all the Schools of Technology. Spanning over a week from 25th – 30th August 2020, separate sessions were organized for different branches of engineering over YouTube platform on “GATE Preparation & Opportunities for Engineering Graduates”. Subject matter experts from different branches of engineering guided the participants preparing for GATE 2021.

Interacting with the Core Domain area students, Mr. Abhibav Negi, M.Tech Geotechnical Engineering from IIT Delhi, a GATE qualifier having 8+ years of teaching experience, explained that GATE is the most important examination for engineers. It is the GATEway for Higher Studies as well as PSU jobs, he stated. Speaking to the 2nd & 3rd year Mechanical Engineering students, Mr. Rushi Joshi, an expert in Engineering Mechanics & Machine Designs and a GATE qualifier having 16+ years of teaching experience, described GATE/ESE Exam Pattern along with benefits of GATE/ESE and preparation strategies.

Mr. Rakesh Talreja, M.E in Microelectronics from IISC Bangalore with 10+ years of teaching experience, discussed with the circuit branch students about the strategy to prepare for GATE with new question patterns and contents. In his talk to the CSE students, Mr. Satya Narayana, Ph.D. in CSE, CISCO Certified, SET Qualified with 13+ years of teaching experience, gave informative tips on GATE preparation, marks distribution, statistics and results. Mr. Asutosh Saxena, M. Tech from IIT B.H.U with 9+ years of teaching experience, motivated the 2nd and 3rd year Electrical Engineering students with his enthusiasm, while explaining that GATE is easy.

Among the other dignitaries present in the Webinars were Dr. Suman Bhattacharya, Director-CAAS, Dr. Priyadarshi Biswal, Dean-CAAS, faculty members of CAAS and Prof. Deepak Raut, Program Coordinator.

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