CAAS, KIIT-DU Organizes Webinar on ‘Career Orientation@2018-2022 Batch’


School-wise career orientation program was organized by the Career Advisory & Augmentation School (CAAS), KIIT Deemed to be University for all the Schools of Technology for the 2018-2022 Graduating Batch. The four-day Webinar aimed at facilitating multiple career opportunities, besides Employability Training offered by CAAS with specific road maps to achieve career goals. Students were on-boarded and bucketized for specialized interventions through different digital and social platforms.

The program helped students understand and focus on the Bucketization Pattern; viz., Higher Studies, Job Programs, Competitive Examinations, Start Ups/Entrepreneurships, Soft Skills etc., which is initiated to align the students with Platform-Based Learning and Assessment from the very beginning of the career journey. Experts across different verticals presented the road map against each bucket clarifying the journey from campus to corporate.

Prof. Suman Bhattacharya, Director-CAAS, set the context, while the convener Prof. Priyadarshi Biswal, Dean-CAAS coordinated the program highlighting the transformative impact of the Career Orientation Sessions and the on-campus opportunities for KIITians. Dr. Saranjit Singh, Director, IE along with the Directors from all the Schools of Technology namely Prof. Arun Ray of Electronics Engineering; Prof. Samaresh Mishra of Computer Science Engineering; Prof. Benu Gopal Mohapatra of Civil Engineering; Dr. Chinmay Panigrahi of Electrical Engineering; and Dr. Ashok Sahoo of Mechanical Engineering contributed to the session.

Faculty members from CAAS; Associate Deans (T&P), namely Prof. Tanmay Swain (School of Computer Science); Prof. Arindam Basak (School of Electronics); Prof. Chandrasekhar (School of Mechanical); Prof. Subrat Behera (School of Electrical); Prof. Dilip Bera (School of Civil); Tutor Mentors along with Prof. Isham Panigrahi; Prof. Sambit Kar; Prof. Israj Ali reiterated on the plethora of opportunities provided by KIIT-DU and encouraged the students to avail the same besides building up a good career with deep-rooted academics.

Prof. Rajesh Panda, Program Head for 2018-2022 Batch Students presented the interventions and customized programs meant for each bucket emphasizing the skills required to match up to the industry standard. Prof. Abhishek Ray, Dean IE projected the types of jobs available for core domain areas besides multiple career paths after higher studies. Prof. Prachet Bhuyan, Dean T&P proposed the vote of thanks.

The Webinar was spread across four sessions over four days involving all the SOT students of the said batch. Students reciprocated immediately choosing their respective buckets across different platforms.

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