Appreciation of Good work Every time, Every Where Works of KISS & Achyuta Samanta Appreciated in Parliament


Good work and good people are always appreciated every time and everywhere. The works of Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences (KISS) and its Founder Dr. Achyuta Samanta have been lauded at various forums at different times. The works of KISS and Dr. Samanta were once again appreciated in Lok Sabha during the question hour on Wednesday.  

BJP MP and Former Union Minister Rajib Pratap Rudy mentioned KISS and Dr. Samanta by appreciating the work of both, while giving his speech on the country’s preparation for 2020 Olympics. Mr. Rudy said, “Our fellow member from Odisha Dr. Samanta is providing free education to 25000 tribal children. Our parliamentarian friend Dr. Samanta has been providing free training to 10,000 tribal students free of cost in various sports and games since last 3 years”. The members present in the house supported Mr. Rudy by thumping the table. Later, Dr. Samanta met Mr. Rudy and thanked him.

Earlier in April 7, 2017, Dr. Virendra Kumar, the senior most BJP MP from Madhya Pradesh had also appreciated the work of KISS and Dr. Samanta in Parliament during a discussion on tribal development. Discussion on any individual or organization in Parliament is an important thing. This is a matter of pride for Odisha and every Odia people.

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