A Case of Super Refractory Status Epilepticus Treated in Department of Paediatrics, KIMS


A 13-year old girl from Keonjhar got admitted to KIMS, PICU on 11th January 2021 as a case of status epilepticus with suspected Encephalitis. In fact, she was in SCB MCH for seven days before being admitted to KIMS hospital. Due to poor sensorium (GCS 3/15) and persistent seizure, she was intubated and remained on ventilator for 17 days. Seizure was not controlled with 3 anticonvulsants to start with. Later on midazolam and ketamine infusion was started in view of refractory seizure. She had also suffered from pneumonia and Candida sepsis, which was treated successfully. Tracheotomy was closed after 20 days of extubation. The KIMS Pediatric critical care team led by Dr. Sibabratta, Dr. Bandya, Dr. Mukesh and Dr. Reshmi managed the case very meticulously.

The patient was shifted to paediatric ward and general management (by Dr. Nikhita and Dr. Navya) and physiotherapy was given under guidance of Prof S. Biswal and Prof. Nirmal Mohakud. After 45 days of long stay and stormy course in the hospital, she was finally discharged. Now she is on 3 anticonvulsants. Parents are thankful to the entire department of paediatrics. But it is the multidisciplinary approach involving neurologist, PICU & ward sisters as well as physiotherapist for the new life of this girl. Pediatric critical care team has expressed thankfulness to the KIMS management for providing appropriate ambience and infrastructure to carry-out this work.

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