1703 KISS Students to Appear 10th Board Exam: Highest in India from a Single School


This year a record 1703 students from Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences (KISS) are going to appear the 10th Board Examination to be conducted by Board of Secondary Education, Odisha, 2019.

This is the highest number from a single school to put pen to paper 10th Board Exam. Remarkably, this number is at par with the total number of students appearing the exam from as many as 30 High Schools taken together under the Board of Secondary Education, Odisha.

These students belong to various tribes, including primitive tribes, from 30 districts of Odisha. The students will appear examination in three different centers such as Niladri Vihar, Unit-8 and Baramunda Sarswati Sisu Mandir. 

Like every year, Dr. Achyuta Samanta, Founder, KISS & KIIT distributed pens among students and wished them all the best on Tuesday.  “I am very much hopeful and confident that this year also the students will fetch cent percent success like previous years,” he said.

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