16th Annual CHESTCON held at KIMS


The 16th Annual CHESTCON 2020 under the aegis of Odisha Chest Society was organized at Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS), Bhubaneswar on 11thand 12th January, 2020 by the Department of Pulmonary Medicine.

The meeting was unfurled by the eminent dignitaries on the dais. Prof. Dr. Hrushikesha Mohanty, Vice Chancellor of KIIT Deemed-to-be University graced the occasion as the Chief Guest and Prof. Dr. Digamber Behera graced as the Guest of Honour. Prof. Dr. M. R. Patnaik, President of Odisha Chest Society placed his valuable speech in encouraging students to be research oriented while Prof. Dr. Sudarshan Pothal, Secretary, Odisha Chest Society read out the Annual Report of the Society.

Prof. Dr. D.P. Dash, the Organizing Secretary of CHESTCON 2020 extended his thanks and gratitude for getting the opportunity to host the CHESTCON 2020 and Dr. C.M. Rao, the Joint Organizing Secretary extended the vote of thanks. The inauguration winded up with the release of the Souvenir which was compiled and edited by Dr. Saswat Subhankar.

The Odisha Chest Society felicitated Prof. Dr. R.N. Mania and Dr. N. C. Sahoo for their outstanding contribution in the field of Respiratory Medicine.

Workshops with hands-on training to delegates, guest lectures and free paper presentations were held on the first day . The second day continued with lectures and discussions on recent advancements in the field of Pulmonary Medicine.

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