SEN Globe at KiiTIS Behaviour expert calls for parental role in shaping the future of special kids


The special education needs (SEN) facility at KiiT International School, SEN Globe, which has set a benchmark in inclusive education with extensive infrastructure, today organised a series of sensitisation and awareness programmes for different stakeholders.

The founder of KIIT & KISS I, Prof. A. Samanta strongly believes in the concept of inclusive education and its importance in shaping future leaders. Dr. Mona Lisa Bal, Chairperson KiiT International School has stated that every child has the right to receive a uniform opportunity for receiving basic education, and SEN Globe is working towards providing that opportunity to students with special needs.

With the month of April being observed as the “Month of Autism”, SEN Globe organised a special session with Dr. Smita Awasthi, eminent behaviour analyst and an expert with four decades of working experience with the children with SEN. Today’s programme was exclusively designed for parents to understand behaviour which is challenging at times. 

She emphasized the role of Parents in shaping/modifying behaviour as they are staying with the kids for long and witnessing every behaviour. She elaborately explained behaviours, triggers for behaviour and different techniques to manage behaviour. Referring to Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA), she added that more than 200 parents and 100 professional practitioners have participated in the programme.

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