KIIT School of Electronics Engineering Conducts FDP on ‘Machine Learning and Applications’


ATAL FDP on Machine Learning and Applications was conducted by the School of Electronics Engineering, KIIT Deemed to be University from 1st -5th October 2020. Eminent speakers from institutes of repute as well as industries, besides experts from KIIT conducted technical sessions to highlight the opportunities and strengths of Machine Learning.

Inaugurating the FDP, Dr. M Sasikumar, Executive Director, C-DAC, Mumbai said that though Machine Learning is a buzzword for more than two decades and widely used in many applications to make something meaningful and sensible, deep understanding of the subject and representative database is absolutely necessary.

Stating that technology has become an integral part of our life, Prof. Sasmita Samanta, Pro-Vice Chancellor, KIIT-DU suggested that research should be aimed at fulfilling various aspirations to commensurate with the evolution of thoughts. Coordinator Dr Suprava Patnaik briefed about the FDP, followed by an address of Dr. Arun K Ray, Director, School of Electronics highlighting the Scope and Opportunities of Machine Learning. Prof. Vimal Shrivastava proposed the vote of thanks.

As many as 15 sessions were conducted in the FDP spanning over five days on applications of Machine Learning for medical image analysis, surveillance systems, business analysis, smart city applications, hyper-spectral image processing and sequence analysis along with a few live demonstrations. In all, 146 participants from across India registered for this program.

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