KIIT School of Public Health Organizes Webinar on “AMR Surveillance in India”


As part of the Risk Management And Prevention of Antibiotics Resistance – Prevent IT Project – the School of Public Health, KIIT-DU organized a webinar on ‘Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Surveillance in India’ on 5th April 2021. The resource person of the webinar was Dr. Vikas Aggarwal, Regional Coordinator-South Asia, Fleming Fund Management Agent.

In his deliberation, Dr. Aggarwal highlighted the current scenario of AMR, Global and National action plan on AMR, as well as the concept of “One health” approach in combating AMR. He elaborated the AMR surveillance, covering the aspects such as need of AMR surveillance, AMR surveillance system & Governance mechanism, AMR surveillance network in India and challenges in undertaking AMR surveillance. 

Participants’ queries were addressed following the deliberation. Associate Professor Himanshu Sekhar Pradhan, delivered the introductory remarks. Total 93 participants consisting of students and faculty members from the School of Public Health and the Kalinga Institute of Nursing Sciences (KINS) attended the webinar.

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