Director, KIIT School of Public Health Receives ‘Distinguished Scientist Award’


Prof. (Dr.) Sudhir Kumar Satpathy, Director,KIIT School of Public Health (KSPH) received the ‘Distinguished Scientist  Award’ at a function in Goa under the auspices of the International Scientists Awards on Engineering, Science and Medicine on 6th March 2021. Prof. Satpathy also graced the function as the Chief Guest and distributed various awards to the winners. About 40 awardees from different States of India and Saudi Arabia participated. The award giving ceremony was organized by VDGOOD Professional Association to acknowledge and recognize the young scientists, women researchers and life time achievers from various disciplines. Dr. Achyuta Samanta, Founder, KIIT & KISS has congratulated Dr. Satpathy for achieving such a distinguished  award.  

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