KIMS Faculties from O&G and Pediatrics Conducts Perinatology Workshop Module


Caring both ends of the cord, a perinatology workshop module Under IAP Presidential Action Plan 2022 was conducted by faculties, Prof. Jyotsna Panda and Prof. Sudhansu Rath of O&G Department.

It was jointly organized with the Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Societies of India (FOGSI) and Indian Academy of Paediatrics,  Khurda District Branch.

A total of 40 delegates from Paediatrics and O&G discipline from all over Odisha were trained.  Training was mostly about how to take care of the mother and baby in the perinatal period, so that a healthy baby could be delivered. 

Prof. Nirmal Mohakud, Organizing Secretary, conducted the workshop at Capital Hospital involving many national faculties. Faculties of KIMS are taking steps to strengthen the skill of doctors in the field of Perinatology working in Government and private hospitals. 

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