First Time in Odisha Comprehensive Pain & Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Hands-On Workshop at KIMS


Department of Pain and Palliative Medicine, Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS), under Dr. Rajendra Sahoo, KIMS, conducted the 1st Comprehensive Pain and Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Hands-on workshop in Pain Clinic OPD from 21st – 26th, 2022. The workshop, the first such to be held in Odisha, aimed to teach and train delegates about the clinical methods in pain medicine; basic musculoskeletal ultrasound scanning protocol of shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, ankle and spine related to Pain Medicine; and how to reach a diagnosis and select and perform interventional pain management procedures under real-time ultrasound guidance.

During the week-long hands-on workshop, the delegates saw, examined handful of patients, performed basic scanning protocols, witnessed some musculoskeletal pain pathological conditions and had a lifetime experience of observation of around 25 interventional treatment procedures done under ultrasound in the OPD and under Fluoroscopy in Cath Lab. During this period, they also got an insight on Regenerative Therapy like PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) and Cooled Radio-frequency Ablation for knee osteoarthritis, which was also performed for the first time in Odisha. They also saw procedures for entrapment neuropathy, shoulder, hip, knee, ankle, wrist, heel and spinal pathology and Stellate Ganglion block.  Tips, tricks and clinical pearls were shared with them. 

The delegates were highly satisfied with the workshop. This workshop will be conducted one week every month and the next batch for April is full. Dr. Sahoo thanked the KIMS Management, marketing team, supporting staff, referring physicians and surgeons for the successful conduct of the 1st ever Musculoskeletal Ultrasound workshop. 

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