Department of Radio Diagnosis, KIMS Organizes CME and Workshop on “Endo-vascular and Surgical Management of Varicose Veins—Recent Trends”


Varicose veins, also known as varicosities, occur when one’s veins become enlarged, dilated, and overfilled with blood. Varicose veins typically appear swollen and raised, and have a bluish-purple or red color which often turn out to be  painful. Veins have one-way valves that prevent blood from flowing backward. When these valves fail, blood begins to be collected in the veins rather than continuing toward the heart. The veins then become enlarged. Varicose veins often affect the legs. Being the farthest from the heart, the gravity of the veins makes it harder for the blood to flow upward.

The Department of Radio Diagnosis, KIMS organized a CME and Workshop on “Endo-vascular and Surgical Management of Varicose Veins—Recent Trends”, which was participated by Faculty members and Post Graduates from all fields of Medicine. Dr. Subrat Kumar Jena, Chief of Surgery and Director Ashwini Group of Hospitals having immense experience in Reconstructive Surgery, was the Guest of honour on the occasion. Interventional Radiologists Dr. Santosh Patil from Apollo Hospital, Pune and Dr Kannan Gunasekaran from Coimbatore led the hand-on-workshop.

The Officiating Principal, Medical Superintendent and the Chief Guest Inaugurated the event. Dr. Col. Kamal Sen, Head of the Department, spearheaded the academic event along with Dr.Basanta Manjari Swain, Organizing Chairperson; and Dr Tapas Sahu organizing Joint Secretary. Dr Swain Das led the live workshop which was transmitted from the Cath. Lab. The Odisha Council of Medical Registration allotted 4 CME credit points.

The panel discussion witnessed debates on the advantages and disadvantages of management strategies available. It was noted that Radiofrequency ablation and endogenous Venacele were the modality of choice in the modern days, being a day care procedure, without recurrence of the disease, was a major achievement. However, the skill of interventional Radiologist and the availability of associated equipment and Catheters are mandatory, as the panelists opined. The experts analyzed how the cost to the poverty stricken patients can be drastically brought down when the procedure is made available under the BSKY Scheme of the Government. Large strata of the society especially the Farmers, the IT Professionals, Traffic police personnel who face this professional hazard will be enormously benefitted, added the experts.

More than 250 participated in both the  CME and Workshop. The delegates included Post Graduates & Senior Faculty members of Radiology from KIMS Bhubaneswar; SCB Medical College, Cuttack; MKCG Medical College, Berhampur; and  VSS Medical College Burla. Besides, there were delegates from the Diagnostic Centers at Bhubaneswar & Cuttack. They joined as speakers and moderators.

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